A solo show of Delmar’s recent work was exhibited from June 17 until July 17, 2016 at the Loft Artist Gallery, 575 Pacific Street, Stamford, a block and a half away from the Stamford RR station. The gallery is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 to 4:30 PM. These new pieces were mostly large works on linen, some triptychs and one quadriptych of the Four Seasons. There were no works on paper towels, Delmar’s preferred medium 2012 thru 2014. When we say large, we mean pieces 84×68″, 68″ square, and multi-panel works that cover a wall 15′ wide. The opening reception was on Saturday, June 18th from 4:00 to 8:00 PM. The invitation said 4:00-6:00, but the catered food and freely flowing wine pushed the end of the party back. The gallery was full of art lovers, collectors, buyers, artists and models. The invitation said “Fantastic Figures and Faces” but the works in the show were mostly semi-abstract, stylized figures. Ken heard guests make comparisons with Matisse, Gaugin and Mucha, which was fine with him, as he admires these painters greatly. An advance notice appeared in the New York Times Metro Section and four of the guests actually came up from New York City.

“Pieta” 68×84″ o/lin 2015