
Transylvania Totem

It’s the Transylvania Totem because of the lowest man on the totem pole, the one with fangs. No, I don’t believe in vampires.



Ladies of the Club Totem

Ladies like belonging to clubs. The more exclusive the better.

Ladies Of The Club Totem


Men with Teeth Totem

These masks have teeth, but I promise they won’t bite.





Sitka Totem

Sitka is a small island in Alaska. It used to be part of Russia. We bought it from them. Take that.

Totem Sitka Web



Skagway Totem

Skagway was the Pacific entry point to the gold rush. Now you can just buy stock in a gold mining firm.

Skagway Totem


Ketchikan Totem

The guide told me that it rains in Ketchikan 330 days of the year. Great, if you’re a tadpole.

 Ketchikan Totem