You put this over your sofa and brace yourself for the wave!Stamford YC boats racing off Old Greenwich in 1989“Ragtime” wins the SYC Vineyard Race in 1990“Red October” of Martinsville, ME. in Port Clyde Harbor 2000Yellow Dawn, Red Rocks, 1999Wavecrests Under Moonlight, 1999The Storm of 1998, Shippan Point, CTLone sentinal rock fending off waves in Long Island SoundLobster boat coming in in Rockland Maine. 2000Popham Beach, Maine, 2000. In the collection of Barbara LeCocqOwl’s Head, Maine, 2000. In the collection of Denise GiordanoIsland off the Monterrey Coast, 2000Golden Dawn, Gloucester, MAss, 2000. SOLDCape Elizabeth, ME, 1999. In collection of Donald EndeCape Elizabeth Storm, 1999. In collection of Donald Ende.California Emerald, 1999California Winter, 2021Between a Rock and a Soft Place, Midcoast Maine17 Mile Beach, Monterrey CA. In the collection of Harry BajramiZanzibarThe Blue Boat, Port Clyde, METenants Harbor ME Commuter BoatPot Markers Drying in The Sun, Tenants Harbor, MEVipers Race SYC, 2009Silvergirl Contessa Under Spinnaker. In collection of Evangela Dali.Seven Boats II, Spruce Head MEPort Clyde, Maine, Monhegan Ferry. SOLD Port Clyde Lobster Dock. Collection of Rita & John EndePort Clyde Lobster Boat with Red Buoy